KADH Constitution

Constitution of the Korean Association for Digital Humanities

(Updated on October 30, 2020)

(English translation updated on June 7, 2023)

Chapter 1. General

Article 1 (Title)

This Association is called the Korean Association for Digital Humanities (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Association’).

Article 2 (Purpose)

The purpose of this Association is to help consolidate the foundation of humanities in Korea through research and education in digital humanities, and to contribute to the development of international academia in digital humanities.

Article 3 (Business)

To achieve the purpose of Article 2, the Association shall conduct the following business.

  1. Planning, organizing, and supporting research
  2. Exchange of academic information in Korea and abroad
  3. Publishing
  4. Promotion of international cooperation

Article 4 (Location)

The office of the Association shall be located at the office of the President of the Association.

Chapter 2. Membership

Article 5 (Membership)

The Association Members shall consist of representatives of an academic society, individuals, and institutional (corporate) members.

Article 6 (Qualifications)

The Association Members shall, agreeing with the objectives of the Association, pay the membership dues and submit a membership application form, and their acceptance into the Association will be approved by the Executive Committee.

Article 7 (Obligations)

The Association Members must obey the Constitution and other regulations, actively participate in the Association’s academic activities and enterprises, and pay the fixed membership dues.

Article 8 (Rights)

The Association Members are guaranteed the right to participate in all events and enterprises of the Association and suggest their opinions regarding the operation and policies of the Association.

Article 9 (Expulsion)

A Member of the Association may be expelled on the determination of the Executive Committee if they damage the reputation of the Association or acts to undermine the Association’s objectives.

Article 10 (Membership Fees)

The cost of membership fees is decided by the Executive Committee.

Chapter 3. Officers

Article 11 (Composition of Officers)

The Association shall have the following officers:

  1. 1 President
  2. 2 Auditors
  3. Vice President(s) up to 5
  4. Executive Member(s) up to 20

Article 12 (Appointment of Officers)

  1. President and Auditors are elected by the General Assembly.
  2. Vice Presidents and Executives shall be recommended by the President and approved by the Executive Committee.

Article 13 (Term of Officers)

  1. The term of the President and Auditors shall be three years and may be re-elected.
  2. The term of the Vice President(s) and Executive(s) shall be from the time of appointment until the incumbent President leaves office.

Article 14 (Duties of Officers)

  1. The President shall represent the Association and shall preside over the Association as Chairperson of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee.
  2. The Auditors shall audit the accounting and report to the General Assembly at least once a year. The Auditor may attend the Assembly and speak, but not vote.
  3. The Vice Presidents shall assist the President and shall serve as President in case of a vacancy of the presidency.
  4. The Executives shall deliberate and decide on important matters of this Association.

Article 15 (Nonconfidence of Officers)

  1. In the case that the Executive Committee (consisting of the President, Vice President, and Executives) infringes upon the basic rights of the Members or damages the reputation of the Association, a motion of nonconfidence of the Executive Committee can be proposed upon the consent of two-thirds of the due-paying Members.
  2. Regulations on the conditions and process for a motion of nonconfidence of the Executive Committee shall be approved and implemented by the General Assembly (Established as of October 2020).

Chapter 4. Organizations

Article 16 (Organizations)

For the operation of the Association, the following organizations shall be established:

  1. General Assembly
  2. Executive Committee
  3. Research & Development Committee
  4. Special Committees

Article 17 (General Assembly)

  1. The General Assembly shall be the highest decision-making body of this Association and shall be responsible for the following functions:
    1. Amendment of the Constitution
    1. Election of Officers
    1. Approval of business and budget
    1. Other agenda items proposed by the Executive Committee
  2. The regular General Assembly shall be held once a year.
  3. An extraordinary General Assembly shall convene when deemed necessary by the President or when there is a request of more than one-third of the Members.
  4. The deliberation of the General Assembly shall be decided by the presence of a majority of the Members present and the affirmative vote of the majority of the Members present, unless otherwise provided. Members may represent attendance and resolution by letter of proxy.

Article 18 (Executive Committee)

  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of President, Vice President(s), and Executive(s).
  2. The Executive Committee shall convene by the President.
  3. The Executive Committee shall decide on the admittance or expulsion of individual Members, on the confirmation of recommendations made by the President, miscellaneous matters decided regulated by this Constitution, and discuss and made decisions upon other matters of the Association.

Article 19 (Research & Development Committee)

  1. The R&D Committee conducts research-related projects such as development and planning, collaborative research of institutes participating in this Association, and cooperation with domestic and overseas research institutes.
  2. The R&D Committee Chairperson shall be recommended by the President and appointed by the Executive Committee, and the Committee Members shall be the recommended by the Committee Chairperson appointed by the President.

Article 20 (International Relations Committee)

  1. The International Relations Committee conducts cooperative activities with international organizations in which the Association participates.
  2. The International Relations Committee Chairperson shall be recommended by the President and appointed by the Executive Committee, and the Committee Members shall be the recommended by the Committee Chairperson appointed by the President.

Article 21 (Special Committees)

  • This Association may, when necessary for special purposes, establish Special Committees with the approval of the Executive Committee.
  • The Committee Chairperson shall be recommended by the President and appointed by the Executive Committee, and the Committee Members shall be the recommended by the Committee Chairperson appointed by the President.

Chapter 5. Finance

Article 22 (Expenses)

  1. Expenses of this Association shall be covered by dues, donations or contributions, business income, and other income.
  2. Membership dues are determined by the Executive Committee.

Article 23 (Fiscal Year)

The fiscal year of this Association shall be from January 1 of each year to December 31 of the same year.

Article 24 (Accounting Audit)

  1. An audit of the prior year’s fiscal operations shall be conducted within one month of the end of the fiscal year, and the results of said audit shall be reported at the General Assembly.
  2. In the case that the Association has received a total amount equal to or greater than 50 million KRW annually in research project funds or support funds from the government of the Republic of Korea, the government of a local municipality, a public institution, or an international organization, an audit of the use of this amount shall be conducted by a certified public accountant, and the results of said audit shall be reported at the General Assembly (Established as of October 2020).

Chapter 6. Dissolution of Organizations and Attribution of Property

Article 25 (Dissolution of the Association)

When the Association is decided to be dissolved, the General Assembly shall decide on a vote of two-thirds or more of its Members.

Article 26 (Attribution of Residual Property)

When the Association is dissolved, the property of the Association shall be donated to a similar organization at the discretion of the Association.


  1. Circumstances not regulated by this Constitution will be dealt with according to custom.
  2. Amendments to the constitution can be raised to motion on the demand of the Executive Committee or one-third of the Members, and will be adopted upon the approval of a simple majority of those in attendance at the General Assembly.
  3. This Constitution goes into effect beginning on June 1, 2015.


  1. The revised Constitution goes into effect beginning on November 1, 2020. (2020.10.30)

Korean Association for Digital Humanities – Regulation 2020-1

Regulations on the Requirements and Procedures of a Non-Confidence Vote of the Executive Committee

The purpose of this regulation is to prescribe matters concerning a Member of the Korean Association for Digital Humanities proposing a non-confidence motion against the Executive Committee and handling it at the General Assembly.

Article 1 (Rationale for a Non-Confidence Vote)

When the President or the Executive Committee represented by the Preside seriously violated the rights and interests of the Members or degraded the honor of the Association.

Article 2 (Subject of a Non-Confidence Vote)

The President and all members of the Executive Committee (Vice-President and Executives) appointed by the President (Excluding Auditors) are subject to a non-confidence vote.

Article 3 (Motion of Non-Confidence)

A non-confidence motion shall be made by submitting to the Executive Committee a request signed by no less than two-thirds of the Association’s Members (as of the date of the request).

Article 4 (Convening the General Assembly for a Non-Confidence Motion)

The Executive Committee shall convene a General Assembly to handle the non-confidence motion within 15 days of the receipt of the non-confidence motion request.

Article 5 (Confirmation of a Non-Confidence Motion)

  1. (Required Number of Votes)

If more than two-thirds of the Members (as of the date of the non-confidence motion request) attend the vote at the General Assembly and agree to the non-confidence of the Executive Committee, then no-confidence motion shall be confirmed.

  • (Written Attendance)

If a Member returns a signed a letter of attorney to the Executive Committee by the day before the General Assembly, it shall be deemed to be a legitimate attendance at the vote.

3. (Dismissal of the Current Executive Committee) The Executive Committee will convene a General Assembly for the appointment of a successor to the President within 15 days of the confirmation of the non-confidence motion, and upon the appointment of the successive President all incumbent members of the Executive Committee (excluding Auditors) shall be dismissed from their duties.