Dear colleagues,
We cordially invite you to the one-day conference “Life Narrative and the Digital 2023”, which will take place on 27 September 2023 and will be hosted by the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage.
Date: 27 September 2023, 09:00-18:30
Venue: Sitzungssaal, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna
The final programme for the event, in which we will explore the possibilities, uses, and challenges of digital methods and technologies for auto/biographical research and practice, is available here:
Registration for the conference is free of charge and open until 20 September: Please note that this is a hybrid event and that you should indicate your preference for either in-person or online participation.
For more information, please consult our conference website, or contact us at
With all best wishes,
Timo Frühwirth, Dimitra Grigoriou, Sandra Mayer (conference organisers)