ADHO에서 Communication Officer, Deputy Treasurer를 모집한다고 합니다.
관심있는 분은 이재연 선생님(과 박진호 선생님 ( 이메일로 연락해주십시오.
Dear members of the COB,
There are two open officer positions (Communications Officer and Deputy Treasurer) , and several more to be filled on the horizon. To date we’ve not had any serious expressions of interest, and are concerned about the ongoing pressure these unfilled positions are putting on the existing members of the EB. At last week’s EB meeting we discussed strategies to expand our outreach and dissemination efforts, and we’re asking CO representatives to disseminate the call through their organization’s communication channels.
Details regarding the call and each of the open positions are available at:
We have extended the deadline for nominations and applications to 20 October 2023.
As an additional note, we are in the process of developing a handbook for EB officers and committee chairs to help with the onboarding and transition process as well as a rough annual calendar and milestones to help sustain better communication and expectations by and for all collaborators.
Thank you for helping us spread the word..
Diane and Megan