디지털인문학계의 신생저널인 <Journal of Open Humanities Data(SCOPUS/ESCI)>에서 원고를 모집하네요.
Submission deadline:
1 June 2024 (abstracts due)
1 December 2024 (full papers due, upon abstract acceptance)
The new field of data-driven history of ideas combines qualitative, quantitative and computational methods for the study of the origins, development and spread of ideas from any time and place. It also comes with two challenging demands that are distinctive in the landscape of computational humanities. The first is the demand for the adequate representation and detection of concepts, rather than words; the second is the need for high-quality, virtually 100% accurate large corpora in many languages across centuries by both known and virtually unknown authors seen as carriers of ideas. These two main demands generate in turn further needs on resources that must be, typically, newly created or substantially adapted for the field: datasets such as expertly curated sets of bibliographic metadata, annotation sets and historical gazetteers, ontologies, and network data; infrastructural facilities for collaborative environments, and workflows that suit and support the field; ground truths for the evaluation of models from language technology, and techniques integrating language models with approaches and tools from data science, visual analytics, and knowledge representation.
Results produced in the field can be published in the same way as traditional articles in in-domain journals and books. The resources that make data-driven enterprises in the history of ideas possible, however, still lack an apt venue, despite the fact that work on such resources is key to the field and can be extremely time-consuming. It is with the intention of creating a home for openly shareable corpora, datasets and other resources, as well as to support the work of the next generation of researchers, that we invite submissions to a special collection of the Journal of Open Humanities Data on Data-Driven History of Ideas.
Submissions for this special collection are welcome that focus on, facilitate or support the study of philosophical and scientific thought of any epoch and geographical area, geared in particular towards the origin, development and spread of ideas.
Submission topics include, but are not limited to
- Textual data: high-quality, virtually 100% accurate corpora from any epoch and language
- Ground truths and annotation datasets
- Curated collections of bibliographical metadata and full bibliographies
- Ontologies
- Lexica
- Historical gazetteers
- Collections of (historical):
- Geographic-political data eg political affiliation of cities through the centuries
- Timeline data of authors, printers, countries
- Complete publishing histories of books
- Unique identifiers
- Network data
- Academic conference data
- Computational tools focused on DDHI:
- Multilingual and multi-layout OCR postcorrection
- Transkribus models
- Applied concept-focused work in computational linguistics, data science, visual analytics, and knowledge representation (concept-detection, concept-change)
- Networks and graphs
- Data visualisations for DDHI